Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Five Solas -- Class 2, Sola Fide

I am doing a short series of classes, The Five Solas. This is the slides for the second class, Sola Fide.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

New Series, the Five Solas -- Class 1, Sola Scriptura

I am doing a short series of classes, The Five Solas. This is the slides for the first class, Sola Scriptura.

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Consummation, Class 10, The Olivet Discourse

Last week was devoted entirely to questions, so the material of Class 9 will be covered today. The slides on the Olivet Discourse is ready for further discussion. It expands what is covered at the end of Class 9.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Consummation, Class 9, Preterism

Class 9 of the Consummation series looks at Preterism. There are two forms: Partial Preterism and Full Preterism.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Consummation, Class 8, Postmillennialism

Class 8 of the Consummation series examines Postmillennialism.

Sunday, March 05, 2017

The Consummation, Class 7, Amillennialism

Amillennialism is a misnamed view because this view does hold to the millennium occurring between the first coming of Christ and his second coming.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Consummation, Class 6

Class 6 of The Consummation is a continuation of the notes of Class 5. We will pick up from where we left off -- the biblical contradictions of a "rapture" event that is separate from the second coming of Christ.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Consummation, Class 5, Dispensational Premillennialism Critique

These are notes for the fifth class on The Consummation. Last week we took a break to hear from some missionaries. The previous class covered Historic Premillennialism, which was the first half of the presentation notes. These notes are a revised second half of those notes. Some of the slids are animations, which might not show quite correctly in the slides here.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

The Consummation, Class 4, Premillennialism, Historic and Dispensational

The material in this class overlaps "class 2". The pace and direction is set by the discussion and questions in the class. Think of these slides as a resource that goes along with the class.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Consummation: When was Satan Bound?

Question was asked in the previous class, when is Satan bound in the different views. This presentation goes over the different views.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Monday, January 09, 2017

Who are the Assembly of God's People?

Due to snow and ice this past weekend, church and Sunday school were cancelled for this past Sunday (January 8). The first class will be held this next Sunday, January 15.

Understanding who make up the community of God's chosen people is central to understanding eschatology. The assembly of Israel in the Old Testament, with the coming of Christ, had an in-grafting of Gentiles to the Jews who believed in Jesus as their Messiah. Those who did not believe in Jesus were pruned or cut off from the assembly of Israel.

The word translated as "church" in the New Testament comes from the Greek word "ecclesia" -- congregation. In the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint, the Hebrew word for the assembly of the people of Israel was translated as "ecclesia".

This continuity of the assembly of Israel, the assembly of the people of God, has a continuity from the Old Testament into the New Testament. It should be noted that the Church does not replace Israel. Rather, God has graciously grafted in believing Gentiles with believing Jews. This is one people where there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile.