Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Consummation, Class 6

Class 6 of The Consummation is a continuation of the notes of Class 5. We will pick up from where we left off -- the biblical contradictions of a "rapture" event that is separate from the second coming of Christ.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Consummation, Class 5, Dispensational Premillennialism Critique

These are notes for the fifth class on The Consummation. Last week we took a break to hear from some missionaries. The previous class covered Historic Premillennialism, which was the first half of the presentation notes. These notes are a revised second half of those notes. Some of the slids are animations, which might not show quite correctly in the slides here.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

The Consummation, Class 4, Premillennialism, Historic and Dispensational

The material in this class overlaps "class 2". The pace and direction is set by the discussion and questions in the class. Think of these slides as a resource that goes along with the class.